How does Kisi work?

After we receive payment for your booking, you will be sent an access link from Kisi ( with the subject line “Access Somerville Music Spaces with Kisi”. There will be a link to an access page in this e-mail. The e-mail will also tell you when your access link is valid. Access will start 10 minutes prior to you appointment time until 10 minutes after the end of your appointment time.

If you are teaching lessons in one of the spaces, you can use your access link from the room you are in to let your clients into the space. Alternatively, you may forward your access link to your clients. As this is cloud-based, you do not need to be near the reader for it to work.

Please note: You may not use your access link to let others without reservations into the space. Only the person with the Kisi link and any persons joining them at their session in their booked space may enter the space using the link. If this system is abused, we will be forced to raise our rates in order to staff the space full-time.

1) Open e-mail from Kisi ( with subject line “Access Somerville Music Spaces with Kisi”.

2) Click on blue underlined words Unlock Doors.

3) A new browser page will open.

4) Doors to which you have been given access will show in a white rectangle with a white lock symbol in a blue circle above each door.

5) Tap the lock symbol for the door you would like to access. The background of the lock symbol will turn green and the door will unlock for 3 seconds. If you missed the first time, just tap the lock again.

6) There are 3 possible access doors. Entry Door, Performance Room and Control Room. Everyone with an access link will have access to the Entry door. This lets you in to all of the Studios, Practice Rooms, Rehearsal Room and Restrooms. Performance Room and Control Room doors are inside the space. You will only have these locks in your access link if you have reserved these spaces.